Sunday, May 10, 2009

Highlights of the month

Hello Moishe house ppl!!

Gabi and Ross were gone to Israel for a week and half.
Moishe house was busy than ever, and many friends came to chill and hang out so me and Dylan won't feel to longly ;)

It was a special month for me particularly as an Israeli.
It felt a bit weird to spend Yom Hazikaron (Israel memorial day for the fallen soldiers) and Yom Haatzmaut (Israel independence day) far away from home.

There are 2 highlights from this month:

The first one was an outreach.
We gathered many ppl to join a rally and support equal rights in South AFrica and fight agaist corrution and injustices.
Didn't think I will connect to that as this is not my country but I found it very inspiring.
The conversation after that and the talks about our roll as jews in world were fascinating.

The second one was a night we celebrated and marked Israek 61th year of independece.
We went over Israeli histoy by the music and songs that represented every period.
was soo cool.
Such a great vibe!!

Another fantastic month and it's only getting better !

Doron Moshe

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